Revolutive IT™


This page contains a serie of articles about projects that can be achieved using the transformation/migration capability offered by Atlantis Technologies.

Legacy Systems
Legacy Migration
Business Process Reengineering
Enterprise Application Integration
Component-Based Development
Software Testing and Complexity

Legacy Systems

Introduction to Legacy Systems

In many researches, it is pointed out that most IT organizations will spend time, resources and budgets to satisfy core IT systems applications development and maintenance requests and accomodate the Internet using newly developed systems, existing systems or a combination of the two. More...


Some people think "legacy" is synonymous with Cobol, but there are hundreds of legacy languages, many of which (such as assembler and C) are harder to decipher than Cobol. And legacy systems aren't just restricted to the mainframe. Today, they have expanded to include Java, XML, network environments and a host of evolving categories. More...


From the book: "Migrating Legacy Systems: Gateways, Interfaces & the Incremental Approach" (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems; ASIN: 1558603301 - April 1995) by Michael L. Brodie, Michael Stonebraker (Contributor), Michael Stonebraker

Decomposable legacy IS Architecture
Semi-Decomposable legacy IS Architecture
Non-Decomposable legacy IS Architecture
Hybrid legacy IS Architecture More...

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From the book: "Migrating Legacy Systems: Gateways, Interfaces & the Incremental Approach" (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems; ASIN: 1558603301 - April 1995) by Michael L. Brodie, Michael Stonebraker (Contributor), Michael Stonebraker

Costs due to problems of single legacy IS often exceed hundreds of millions of dollars per year!
Inappropriate functionality
Lack of documentation
Poor performance
They are inordinately expensive to maintain More...


We first define the readiness of the market by analyzing some of the recurrent claims of the clients. Among the list of claims - which is not exhaustive - some are redundant but are realities of the market. More...


The difference in the views (Current view and Atlantis Technologies's view is not only a graphical one. Beyond the schemas are the differences between two approaches: the right and the wrong. At Atlantis Technologies we continually refine and adapt our services to reflect and support the right approach. This continuous exercise is required because the right approach today only reflects the nowadays paradigms and actual knowledge, on which are based existing technologies and methodologies. As such, the improvement and extension of such knowledge and description is still important. The early adoption of a rigorous approach or a paradigm shift in the right way conducts a warranty to success. More...

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An insight about Quality

Quality... We know what it is, without knowing what it is. This is a contradiction. Some things are better than other, in other words, they have major Quality. But, trying to define what is quality, making abstraction of objects that possess it, it is impossible to find the words to describe it. More...

Total Quality Management (TQM)

Total Quality Management is a structured system for satisfying internal and external customers and suppliers by integrating the business environment, continuous improvement, and breakthroughs with development, improvement, and maintenance cycles while changing organizational culture.
One of the keys to implementing TQM can be found in this definition. More...


ISO 9000: The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is the specialized international agency for standardization, at present comprising the national standards bodies of 91 countries. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is the member body representing the United States. ISO is made up of approximately 180 Technical Committees. Each Technical Committee is responsible for one of many areas of specialization ranging from asbestos to zinc. The purpose of ISO is to promote the development of standardization and related world activities to facilitate the international exchange of goods and services, and to develop cooperation in intellectual, scientific, technological, and economic activity. More...

Capability Maturity Model

Developing reliable and usable software that is delivered on time and within budget is a difficult endeavor for many organizations. Products that are late, over budget, or that dont work as expected also cause problems for the organization's customers. As software projects continue to increase in size and importance, these problems become magnified. These problems can be overcome through a focused and sustained effort at building a process infrastructure of effective software engineering and management practices. More...


Some people ask if these programs are equivalent or better than the IS0 9000 series. The answer to this question is simple: you can't hope to meet the expectations of any of these programs if you aren't already implementing the ISO 9000 (ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9000) standards in your company. These standards provide the foundation on which you can build your quality management and quality assurance systems so you may ultimately achieve a high level of success. Moreover, the ISO 9000 series is the only system accepted internationally. More...


Despite years of coaxing, IT organizations are largely reluctant to institute project-management metrics programs. IT departments at small and midsize companies in particular seem disinclined to institute policies to track the performance of development projects. With limited management resources available and the pressure to quickly deploy new business solutions, productivity measurement often becomes a low priority for many organizations. More...

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Software Complexity

This article shows you many ways of estimating software complexity. In order to do that, many metrics have been created for this purpose. Software complexity is one branch of software metrics that is focused on direct measurement of software attributes, as opposed to indirect software measures such as project milestone status and reported system failures. There are hundreds of software complexity measures, ranging from the simple, such as source line of code, to the esoteric, such as the number of variable definition/usage associations. More...


Benchmarking is related to quality. Benchmark means to adopt a parameter in order to make measure. Benchmarking is made of at least three activities:
- Select an item to measure (a performance)
- Select the benchmark
- Make the measure More...

Function Point Analysis (FPA)

This technique is often used today as outsourcing IT software development and maintenance activities has become increasingly popular as a mean of enabling an organization to more effectively focus on their core business activities. More...

Key Performance Improvement (KPI)

What You Can Measure You Can Manage.
A Key Performance Indicator is a measure of performance, there are many performance mesaures, there are only a few (fewer than 20) key performance indicators.
I n order to know "what am I doing?", many companies use functional measures, but to measure the performance of the chain, it is necessary to use complex control parameters to measure the efficiency and the effectiveness. More...

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With apologies to the movie Jerry McGuire, this demand could easily serve as the battle cry in organizations today when it comes to approving new projects or expanding existing ones. The continuing economic doldrums have sharpened the focus of senior executives on return on investment, or ROI. Simply put, they want to know, "If we invest a buck, how many bucks do we get in return, and when?" More...


US companies in the past ten years have spent one trillion dollars on information technology (IT). Yet there has been only marginal improvement in the productivity of more than 60 million American white-collar workers. IT expenditures now exceed 2% of the Gross Domestic Product in the US, but the net economic contribution of IT has yet to be realized. More...


There are a lot of matters involved in the Quality sector. Our conclusion is that it cannot be considered as a technical matter, as it involves more than technical skills. This means that all the processes (business and other) must be developed on a Quality framework. Quality doesn't mean a lot if it is related to one aspect in particular. Administrative processes, IT processes are different and for each there must exist a way of measuring this level of quality. More...

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Legacy Migration


The best way to leverage past IT investment is to reuse the legacy application or pieces of legacy application in order to build future applications. As such, we will use a phased approach in order to minimize risks related to code migration.
Strategies for migration More...

Benefits of Reengineering

Although many application development tool vendors emphasize new development in the form of tools to drive multi-tier application development or web-enablement, the notion of how to leverage past IT investments has largely been overlooked. Since business rules define the active policy of an organization, an ability to identify, understand and leverage these rules is a key prerequisite to evolving an organization’s IT infrastructure. More...

Alternative Solutions

Until now, there are alternative solutions that are proposed to the clients. Among these solutions, we find following. We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these solutions. Whether there is an alternative to source code transformation depends upon the business objectives. Where the primary objective in converting legacy code is risk reduction, maintenance costs, downsizing etc., then transformation is the only option. More...

Why Replacement often fails?

Lack of gap understanding

Most new systems omit critical business rules.
Old systems do most of the right things (business rules) but they don't do them the way users want (architecture). More...

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Software Complexity

Many customers often say that their applications are hard to maintain, difficult to understand, complex and use many ways to describe the fact that they would like to develop or have to maintain an application that is simpler than that they have. Such thing is not trivial because it asks us to give a clear definition of what is a good vs bad application, what is a maintainable vs. less maintainable application and other things like that. Thus why not introduce the concept of quality in the application. We don't speak here about the quality inside the development process which is more the field of the SAI-CMM process, but about the quality of the content, i.e. the program itself. More...

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Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

Legacy Systems and Key Business Initiatives

Legacy systems have survived mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, re-engineering efforts, technical revolutions, industry realignment and Y2k. These systems, some dating back to the 1960s, remain the mainstay of information management capabilities, even as companies focus on e-commerce opportunities. More...

Business Rule Capture

Legacy systems are a rich untapped reserve of business rules that can be componentized and reused as part of the development process. Recreating the business rules contained in legacy systems would cost some companies more than their total fair market valuation. More...


In any BPR project, the as-is model should be used as a basis to redesign workflows. As processes are eliminated, updated, added, and re-sequenced, links to legacy system functions are maintained. The modeling approach used can be flexible, because the open transition model supports mapping of legacy functions to object, user interface, or other types of models. Upon completion of the new business model, work can begin on the retooling strategy. This requires an assessment of the existing architecture and target requirements which results in a detailed, retooling implementation plan. More...

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Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)

Enterprise Application Integration, or EAI, can be defined as the combination of processes, software, standards, and hardware resulting in the seamless integration of two or more enterprise systems allowing them to operate as one. Although EAI is often associated with integrating systems within a business entity, EAI may also refer to the integration of enterprise systems of disparate corporate entities (B2Bi) when the goal is to permit a single business transaction to occur across multiple systems. More...

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Component-Based Development (CBD)

A transition program to CBD is often coupled with an application migration of legacy systems towards new architectures, technologies, and approaches. While the transition program focuses on bringing the organization from one approach to development (possibly implicit and not well-documented) to another one (in our case the Component-Based Development approach), an application migration focuses on bringing the existing information system, or legacy system, to new architectures and technologies. The golden principle of any successful transition program is this: More...

Software Testing and Complexity

Software Testing: The Structured Testing Methodology - Excerpt from the original document NIST Special Publication 500-235

Software testing is the process of executing software and comparing the observed behaviour to the desired behaviour. The major goal of software testing is to discover errors in the software, with a second goal of building confidence in the proper operation of the software when testing does not discover errors. The conflict between these two goals is apparent when considering a testing process that did not detect any errors. In the absence of other information, this could mean either that the software is high quality or that the testing process is low quality. There are many approaches to software testing that attemt to control the quality of the testing process to yield useful information about the quality of the software being tested. More...

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