Revolutive IT™
Practical problems of Legacy Systems


We first define the readiness of the market by analyzing some of the recurrent claims of the clients. Among the list of claims - which is not exhaustive - some are redundant but are realities of the market. Atlantis Technologies provides flexible solutions and services with the aim at solving the related problems.

U se the following points to check whether your organization can benefit from the help of Atlantis Technologies. Not all the problems have to be present in your organization to benefit from our solutions. Maybe you have other problems not listed in the above set, feel free to communicate them to us so we can update the list and help other companies that are facing the same reality.

 The development team is nearly fully dedicated to maintenance activities
 Most software lifecycle costs are due to maintenance
 The adaptations take longer and longer
 The costs related to the maintenance activity increases
 The code becomes less and less readable
 Program understanding becomes a major maintenance activity
 Time dedicated to testing activity becomes too long
 Every change asks for modifying nearly all the application
 The entire application is easily broken when modified for any purpose
 The system is not stable
 The introduction of a new collaborator is very hard
 The entire knowledge of the system is owned by few people
 Communication becomes very difficult because of lack of documentation
 Budgets, plannings and resources are hard to evaluate
 It is very hard to find new collaborators because the maintenance job is not interesting
 Collaborators leave the organization and sometimes a lot of application knowledge disappears with them
 Skills become rare on the market. Young professionals are not interested in old technologies

Decision that are often taken

 Faced to the previous problems, the IT directors must take decisions. Following are decisions that are often taken:

 Entirely rewrite the applications that take too much time to be modified/adapted or the ones which keep the most of the resources busy
 Outsource the application maintenance
 Outsource the development of new applications
 Delay the new applications development
 Hire supplementary collaborators
 Avoid any kind of interactions between applications
 To do nothing at all
 Rewrite from scratch the entire application
 Replace as much as possible applications by packages


 Thoose decisions have obviuosely many consequences and not neglectable. They are well-known and among them are following:

 The rewriting from scratch of an application implies that, during the development of the new application, the old one still exists and reflects any business change and is so forth maintained
 The new application will be modified every time a business change occurs in order to keep the application up to date with the changing specifications, even though it is in the development phase
 As a consequence of previous point, the time when an application is taken in maintenance is not really defined since it is already in maintenance during the development phase. Worse: the maintenance phase begins with the development phase!
 The ROI when rewriting from scratch or replacing by a package is rarely reached
 The project management for rewriting from scratch is very heavy
 The plannings are rarely respected and the projects are often stopped
 New projects can be dropped because of lack of resources
 The ITC which is the support of the entire activity of the organization must operate with obsolete resources and blocks the development of the activity and so of the entire enterprise itself
 Hire collaborators is expensive
 The rotation of the collaborators is high because professionals don’t want to be busy with maintenance activity
 Certain kind of applications ask for interactions with other applications which are in the same state
 Replace an application by an ERP asks for the same effort as needed for rewriting the application from scratch and so suffers from the same kind of problems and so has the same consequeces
. Read why legacy replacement often fails.

M any organization feel alone in this situation, convinced that the situation is better at the opponent site. In many cases they are kept in this state by many services companies because the outsourcing activity of maintenance or the body shopping around maintenance is more lucrative than our alternative solutions.

Atlantis Technologies provides a tailormade, flexible one-shot solution and services for solving most of the above problems and as such, obviousely, also the consequeces. We attack the problem of the legacy systems in its all, at the base, we don't try to treat the consequences.

O nce again, we advise you to use the above highlighted points to check whether your organization can benefit from the help of Atlantis Technologies. Not all the problems have to be present in your organization to benefit from our solutions. Maybe you have other problems not listed in the above set, feel free to communicate them to us so we can update the list and help other companies that are facing the same reality.

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