Revolutive IT™

Major Clients:

Esso Italy

Autogrill S.p.a.

Sephorą Italia S.p.a.

Azienda Ospedaliera Rummo (public hospital - Benevento, Italy)

Many local and provincial administration (Provincial Administration of Brescia, Potenza and Local Administrations of Casalduni, Cautano, Durazzano, Fragneto Monforte, Paupisi, Ponte, Pontelandolfo, San Giorgio La Molara, San Lorenzo Maggiore, San Nicola Manfredi, Sant'Angelo A Cupolo, Torrioni, San Giuliano Terme, Sassinoro)

Asymetrix S.r.l.

Partito Popolare (division of Benevento)


IT projects have been carried out in specific areas:

Informatic Protocol Inventory Management for Public Administrations (development of the required software)

Optical Archiving

Tangible and Financial Asset Management for Public Administrations (development of the required software)

Web Site Design

Specific HTML Code Generator and site management tool

Computer Aided Telephony Interviewing System

Sales Simulation, CRM and Administrative tools

Specific Business Intelligence Tool

Multi-Criterion Analysis Tool

Component-Based Modeling Tool Specification

Code Generator Specification

Project Management Tool

Our solutions are the most efficient, flexible, quality-based and cheaper of the market, due to our fully innovative and customer-driven approach. Discover them and compare them to the solutions provided you by our competitors.

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