Revolutive IT™

Atlantis Technologies provides his customers with High-Quality and Low-Cost Application Development, Application Management and Testing services in his Center of Excellence in Bulgaria.
The company is also a European leader for Automatic Systems Quality Assessment, Mining, Integration, Componentization, Modernization, Legacy Migration and Web-enablement.

10% to 50% of large projects are duplicated.
Unused code can make up 30-40% of a project.
The cost of software maintenance accounts for 50% to 75% of the overall cost of a software system. More...

Among the services in Bulgaria, discover in particular those:
Application Development,
Application Management
Software Testing
ICT Factsheet 2004 in Bulgaria

Source: IBA (InvestBulgaria Angency) - government agency providing assistance and support to investors.

Click to learn about our outsourced services and their 	benefits

    Immediate result

    Pay-back vary from 6 months to 2 years

    (for automated processes)
    Take a look at the benefits you can gain. Among them:
Cut your HW & SW Total Cost of Ownership by 75%.
Use of proven low-risk cutting-edge technology, 99+% automated.
Quality, maintainability and operational performance improvement for fraction the price of our competitors. More...
Our News section...
MasterQual™ : Our Software Development Quality Process
RuleTracker™: Our Documentation system. More...

Legacy Systems
InV ision™
R ecover™
V alueIT™
R evolve™
W ay™

Application Development
B uild™

Application Management
M aintain™

Software Testing
T est™

S hareIT™

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